It is a sitting statue of Buddha wearing robe, with the palm of his right hand opened facing the ground.
He is sitting straight with his head leaning forward and eyes looking downward. He has a smile on his square and round shaped face. The shape of the topknot on his head is not clearly seen, but there are the top and middle parts. It also has chubby ears of proper size, and three deep lines on his neck. The well-proportioned body gives a sense of stability and volume to the statue and wrinkles in the clothes look natural.
The records of its construction and renovation were said to have been found in the chest of the statue, but they have not been found yet. The style of the statue and the quality of 'Darani', the wooden printing block represent the characteristics of construction in the 17th century.
- Daejeon Metropolitan City Tangible Cultural Property No. 31
- Location : Simgwangsa(a temple) 106 Cheon-dong, Dong-gu