Express Bus
Classification General Adolescents Children
Card Cash Card Cash Card Cash
In Daejeon, In Sejong 1,700 1,900 1,100 1,300 700 700
Daejeon ↔ Sejong Sejong ↔ Osong station 2,000 2,200 1,400 1,600 1,000 1,000
Daejeon ↔ Osong station 2,300 2,500 1,700 1,900 1,300 1,300

Transfer information

  • ransfer to Daejeon city bus, urban railway, local bus is available at Daejeon station (BRT)/Transfer to Sejong city bus is available at Banseok station
  • When the travelers transfer to the other transport, the extra cost may be charged/ the transfer discount is available up to 3 times (the maximum number of the services is four times)
  • The service interval of BRT at Daejeon station is 15 minutes on average; transfer is available within 30 minutes

    ※ Transfer time: 30 minutes in the case that the service interval is within 15 minutes, 60 minutes in the case that the service interval is over 15 minutes.

  • The passengers are required to scan their cards upon their alight as the zone-based fare is applied to the journey from Daejeon station to Osong station (BRT)
  • The metropolitan express bus runs the route, excluded from the discount for meritorious persons and the free ride

Detailed Information on routes

Detailed Information on routes